Easter Brunch
I love Easter. In addition to appreciating the religious part of it, I feel it’s just a great start to the spring. We’ve had a longer (and snowier) winter than usual, so I always look forward to Easter to bring forth spring! Since my hubby is Catholic and I’m Eastern Orthodox, we celebrate Easter twice. ((The boys are lucky and get visited by the Easter Bunny twice)) Generally for Catholic Easter we celebrate with my family at my sister’s house and then follow with my husband’s family. But Orthodox Easter (or Greekster as some have called it haha) is at my home! My mom used to host it, but once…
April Showers
One of these days I’ll get my act together and start posting on a more consistent basis… Maybe… Lol It’s April, and boy are the rains coming down! Though, I am happy it’s not snowing anymore. I LOVE snow, but this winter really tested my patience! We had 4 Nor’Easters in March. FOUR! And routinely got over a foot of snow. Commuting from one end of Long Island to the other and into Manhattan is not easy, so a lot of vacation days were used, which sucked. But let’s be real. I wasn’t about to risk falling on ice, or getting hit by a swerving car, or getting stuck on…
One Year Later…
Hello friends. It’s been almost a whole year since my last post; I hope you can forgive me! Things have been very hectic these last 12 months. I got pregnant with my second child (another boy!), began house hunting, found the perfect house, went through the horribly annoying closing process, packed, moved, had the baby, recovered from my second c-section (ughhh so painful), unpacked, and am now back at work after my 12 weeks of maternity leave. Needless to say, this past year has been an exhausting whirlwind, and with a toddler and infant, the exhaustion continues! Over the next few days I hope to start posting more; hopefully time…
Fall Family Fun
Earlier this month we went to Lewin Farm, out in Calverton, NY for some pumpkin and apple picking. Whenever I had gone pumpkin picking in the past, the pumpkins were already picked, laid out in a field, or on a table. Since this was how I had always done it, it was fine. BUT, a dear friend told me that it is not real pumpkin picking (cue initial eye roll), and recommended we go to Lewin Farm, where the pumpkins were still on the vine! I have to admit, it was super cute. I don’t know why it made such a difference for me, but it did feel like a…
Road to Rhode Island
This past weekend, Hubs and I went to Newport, RI for our anniversary (awwww.) I had previously been there some years ago, but he had never been, so I booked a quick little getaway for us. IT. WAS. LOVELY!!! Our first stop was to tour a couple of the mansions, because, duh, Newport. We saw the Breakers and Rose Cliff, the latter of which was my dream wedding spot. Unfortunately some of the outside walls and grounds were being restored, but all in all, still great tours. After the mansions we checked into an adorable little B&B, and headed off the lunch. Lunch at the Wharf Pub was soooo good.…
A Day at the Open
 A few days ago we went to the US Open. While it proved a little difficult going with a cranky and teething toddler, overall we had a good time, and were even able to watch a whole match (Monfils vs. Almagro)! And of course, we had to have the Grey Goose Honey Deuce; definitely one of my favorite sweet drinks, and one that I’ve enjoyed making this weekend as well. The grounds for the most part are pretty stroller friendly, and the stadiums (at least Ashe & “new” Grandstand) had elevators. And even though we didn’t really take our little one out of the stroller, it does help if…